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    dental implants and root canal treatment | Medicsey Turkey

    Dental implants and cosmetic dentistry turkey | MEDICSEY : Best dental implants Turkey is the most popular dental cosmetic solution because of the compensation for missing teeth without affecting the rest of the adjacent teeth. There are two methods of dental implants in Turkey, direct...
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    Teeth whitening in Turkey | MEDICSEY :

    Teeth whitening in Turkey | MEDICSEY : Teeth whitening is the process of brightening the color of the teeth. Teeth whitening can be a very effective way to brighten the natural color of the teeth without removing the surface of the teeth. People often want to whiten their teeth when their teeth...
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    braces and invisalign | MEDICSEY Turkey

    Dental Braces in Turkey: Teeth braces in turkey are a branch of dentistry concerned with the arrangement, beauty, and health of teeth. Disorders of the jaw or teeth structure or abnormalities may affect a patient's healthy life, so the teeth braces in turkey may be the answer. The patient may...
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    Hollywood Smile in Turkey and veneer types | Medicsey

    What is Hollywood smile in turkey? Dental veneers are thin crusts to put on natural teeth. They cover the front of the teeth to create excellent results. It is very easy to take care of your teeth after dental veneers. This requires the care you take for your natural teeth. However, it depends...
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    Dental crowns | MEDICSEY Turkey

    What is a dental crown | MEDICSEY Turkey? Dental crowns are dental coverings that are placed over the front or back teeth to restore the chewing function of your damaged, yellowed or discolored teeth or to enhance their aesthetic appearance. Dental crowns are used to improve dental health and...
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    gastric sleeve types | MEDICSEY TURKEY

    What is gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey | Medicsey? There are multiple methods of gastric sleeve operation. In Medicsey center, we will explain the methods of gastric sleeve operation: First, the sleeve gastrectomy is performed by surgical methods, the most common of which is to add a medical...
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    eyelid surgery and blepharoplasty | MEDICSEY Turkey

    Eyelid surgery before and after Are there special types of eyes that require caution during surgery? Eyelid surgery operations are often unsuccessful for two types of eyes: Sad eyes: They are the eyes in which the lowering of the front eyelid and the eyebrow is large, and the bony edge is...
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    Tummy tuck and Buccal fat removal | Medicsey Turkey

    What is Tummy tuck in Turkey? Tummy tuck in Turkey is one of the most important cosmetic surgeries that has spread very widely in recent times, as many studies have confirmed that the percentage of tummy tuck surgery has increased from 6000 cases to 120,000 cases, and the tummy tuck in Turkey...
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    breast implants and Gynecomastia Surgery in Turkey Istanbul | Medicsey

    What is Gynecomastia in Turkey? Breast enlargement also appears in men who are obese or overweight, as fat is deposited in the chest muscle area and fatty tissue comes over the breast area to highlight the appearance of the enlarged breast. This condition is referred to as pseudo-male breast...
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    Neck and thread lift | Medicsey Turkey

    Neck lift in Turkey A neck lift in Turkey is one of the most widespread plastic surgeries because many people suffer from the presence of sagging and wrinkles in the neck, and they resorted to many different medicines, drugs, and creams, and it did not work, and for this, they resort to the neck...
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    Botox and Lipfiller | MEDICSEY TURKEY

    What are Lip filler in Istanbul types ? Lip filler in Istanbul with hyaluronic acid Lip filler in Istanbul with collagen Lip filler in Istanbul with fat What are Botox in Turkey injections types ? Dysport's Botox in Turkey Zoomin's Botox In turkey Neuronox's Botox in Turkey A's Botox in...
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    otoplasty and ear pinning | MEDICSEY TURKEY

    What is otoplasty in Turkey? Otoplasty in turkey is one of the operations concerned with modifying the shape of the outer ear. The main objective of these operations is to improve the shape and appearance of the ear, which leads to increasing the person's self-confidence. The methods used in...
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    Breast lift and Breast reduction at MIDECSEY TURKEY

    What is Breast reduction in Turkey? Breast reduction surgery turkey operation, which allows reducing the size of the breast, raising it and reducing the nipple in one operation, and most importantly, that all these changes are achieved with the smallest wound as possible. What distinguishes our...
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    Rhinoplasty Cost in Turkey | Medicsey

    What is rhinoplasty? Rhinoplasty is the cosmetic process that seeks to reshape the nose, improve its shape and make it consistent with the rest of the face, many people resort to it for therapeutic purposes, such as treating breathing problems and eliminating deformities and birth defects that...
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    Liposuction in Turkey | Medicsey

    Liposuction in Turkey | Medicsey Liposuction in Turkey is one of the most prevalent plastic surgeries at the present time. Many individuals need to undergo liposuction for various reasons, but the only link between them is the appearance of sagging skin. The types of Liposuction in Turkey...
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    Oculoplastic Surgeon in Istanbul | Medicsey

    How many types of oculoplastic surgeries are there? Treatment of puffiness and bags in the area around the eyes or under the eyes Heavy eyelid surgery Sunken eye plastic surgery Protruding eyes plastic surgery Eye plastic surgery strabismus Enlargement of narrow eyes Asian eye treatment...
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    Lens Replacement Surgery in Turkey | Medicsey

    What is lens replacement surgery in turkey| MEDICSEY ? In the eye, behind the pupil, there is a lens that is used to properly focus. With advancing age, the lens becomes harder and loses its flexibility gradually; consequently, you would need glasses, or you could replace it with eye lens...
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    Laser eye surgery in Turkey | Medicsey

    LASER at Medicsey in Turkey: We all know that the eyes are one of the most sensitive organs in the human body, so we need to take very good care of them. Here at medicsey, we ensure you that we can provide you with the best team and equipment for laser eye surgery turkey. What are the types of...
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    شد الوجه في اسطنبول: التكلفة، الخطوات، وميزات العملية

    ما هي عملية شد الوجه في تركيا؟ هي عملية جراحية الغرض منها إزالة التجاعيد في الوجه والرقبة الناتجة عن التقدم في العمر، وهي من العمليات التي تلقى قبولاً واسعاً في تركيا، هذه التجاعيد والترهلات في الوجهة تحدث لعدة عوامل: ضعف الأنسجة الرابطة بين طبقات البشرة وفقدان كثافتها. تلعب العوامل البيئية...
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    Lip Lift in Turkey, Type of Lip Lift | Medicsey

    What does a lip lift surgery turkey provide? Lip lift surgery turkey provides a more voluminous appearance by shortening the space between the lips and nose and rotating the upper lips outwards and upwards. The ideal patients for lip lift surgery are patients who have long and thin upper lips...